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AU Existing Businesses



Posted on Monday, October 4, 2021

Apply as an existing business for Antler.

We are looking for exceptionally talented individuals with the aspiration to become co-founders of tech enabled companies. Do you have deep domain knowledge in an area ready for disruption, automation or democratisation? Are you an engineer. researcher or scientist? Have you launched products that have scaled or have proven business and growth skills?

Every day, new products and services are launched to make the lives of people easier, better or just more fun. We live in an amazing time, where technology is getting more accessible and more and more people get connected. The possibilities are huge, and yet, there are still many problems out there that need to get solved. Are you dreaming about having an impact and building something that will impact millions of lives? At Antler, we give talented people that extra push to go from dreamer to doer.

We believe anyone with the right talent, drive and resources can change our world for the better. We have been in your shoes and will support you throughout the journey to lower the risks and increase the chances of success. We will help you find a co-founder with complementary skills and similar ideas. All founders get connected to our worldwide network of mentors to get hands-on support and access to their valuable networks.

For the first two months, we give you an individual grant. Once you have a solid team and a validated idea, we can invest in your company for a small equity stake. You and your co-founders keep the majority of the ownership. Ultimately, it’s your company, and we’re here to help you get things off the ground.

Stop dreaming and start building.